Monday, April 21, 2008

Fourth Narrative Writing Assignment

My parents are polar opposites in just about every way imaginable. Appearance, politics, beliefs, morals, parenting strategies-you name it, they disagree about it. But luckily for me, the one thing that they do manage to see eye to eye on is their hope for my happiness. Even though they plan to grant it through very different methods, that truly is their greatest wish for me.

My mom, for example, is a firm believer in allowing me to make my own decisions and, consequently, my own mistakes. She guides me as much as she feels necessary, but ultimately trusts me to make the right choice. If it turns out that I made the wrong decision, she understands that that is part of being a kid and helps me to learn from what I did wrong. I feel that our relationship is this way because she wants me to have my own experiences and learn from my own mistakes in order to be protected from being dependent and naive. These are two of the aspects that for her, seem to diminish happiness. I am so lucky that she is understanding, trusting and willing enough to let me take the wheel of my own life and do the steering.

On the other hand, to my dad, I am still "daddy's little girl" who needs to be sheltered from the world. He wants me to learn from his mistakes so I don't make the same ones myself. My dad tries to protect me from the pain and hurting that he already knows comes with growing up. He feels that if I can be without sorrow and heartache that I will be happy. It is easy to see that my dad also wants to protect me from being both intellectually and emotionally ignorant. He has taught me so much about life and people in general that it is obvious that he is doing everything in his power to make me a good person.

Although some people might feel torn in two directions by having parents with such different beliefs, I feel so blessed and grateful. I have the opportunity to be an incredible and happy person due to their impact on my life and the choices I make. What it all boils down to, is the fact that both of them are striving to make my life the best and happiest it can be, and that is all a kid can hope for.

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